
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

 INTRODUCTION : (NOTE:  Blue Areas are Hyperlinks - click on them) ABOUT : FAQ : BASICS : 1. RACISM   (Black/Indigenous/Latina...) 2. SEXISM/GENDER   ( Reproductive Justice/Patriarchy/Trans Phobia...) 3. VIOLENCE ISSUES   ( Bullying/Rape/Domestic Violence/Carceral Issues...) 4. SETTLER COLONIALISM - POLITICAL ISSUES      ( Israel-Palestine/India-Kashmir/U.S.-Puerto Rico...) 5. CLASSISM   (Marxism/Socialism/Billionaires-Working-Class...) 6. CLIMATE CHANGE/ECOLOGY  (Global Warming...) 7. LOCAL/REGIONAL AREAS   (SF Bay Area/Chicago/New England...) 8. RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY   (Christian Hegemony/Zen Buddhism, Judaism...) 9. INTERSECTIONALITY and/or MULTIPLE AREAS 10. OTHER R E A C H   O U T  -  T O   O T H E R   W H I T E   M E N REACH OUT TO US

Getting Prepared for T***P with Bay Resistance

  Subject: Take Action: Getting Prepared for Trump with Bay Resistance Body: Friend, I took an action on Action Network called Getting Prepared for Trump with Bay Resistance. Getting Prepared for Trump with Bay Resistance This form is meant to plug you into your Local Immigration Rapid Response Network, into Action Pods, and to receive text alerts from Bay Resistance. Some important information on this form we want to highlight: Response #5: Phone Number: If you haven't already, please provide your phone number in order to receive Bay Resistance action alerts. We also need your phone number if you are interested in getting connected with your local Immigration Rapid Response Network. If you already signed up for this during Saturday's meeting, or you don't want to put your phone number, you can leave this question blank. We highly encourage everyone to share their phone numbers, to get prepared for upcoming rapid response mobilizations in the months to come. Response #6: Lo...