Sexism and Gender - Organizations, Groups and Websites


Organizations, Groups and Websites


Men 4 Choice -

All people deserve the right to self-determination and full control over their bodies, healthcare, and reproductive decisions. Without that right, no person can truly be free. Today, too many men sit passively on the sidelines in the fight for reproductive freedom.

Men4Choice exists to activate, educate, and mobilize male allies into the fight as active partners and allies.

Following the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the summer of 2022, we saw an all-out assault on reproductive freedom across the country. Overturning Roe was just the first step in our opposition’s plan to ban and criminalize abortion across the country. While many of us have known and have been preparing for this for a long time, that reality came into sharp focus for many in 2023. Laws banning and criminalizing abortion passed in more than a dozen states and these laws were overwhelmingly passed by male elected officials, who cast more than 80% of the votes across the country to ban abortion.

Men for Equity and Reproductive Justice (MERJ) -

It is time for men to get into the arena!  Moving past guilt and shame, we invite men, regardless of race, ability, sexual orientation, class or age to join our efforts to support womxn - and BIPOC - led reproductive health and abortion rights organizations.

It is time for men to ACT!  We invite you to reflect on your capacity to support this movement.  Whether you can give your time, financial support, or energy, or all three, we welcome you!

(NOTE: - GM - I pushed for the formation of MERJ, co-founded it, and am a co-facilitator of it.)

SisterSong: Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective

SisterSong is a Southern based, national membership organization; our purpose is to build an effective network of individuals and organizations to improve institutional policies and systems that impact the reproductive lives of marginalized communities.


North American MenEngage Network: Boys and Men for Gender Equity (NAMEN)

et into the arena! Moving past guilt and shame, we invite men, regardless of race, ability, sexual orientation, class, or age to join our efforts to support womxn- and BIPOC-led reproductive health and abortion rights organizations.

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